Ocean Waves

the SoulSync Journey

Uncover your true essence, heal deeply, and activate ​your path to a life of soulful alignment.

Over three intimate sessions, we will dive deep into your ​unique Human Design, guide you through a customized ​healing experience, and provide you with actionable steps to ​achieve your goals and align with your highest potential.

You are here to...

Sync Up With Your ​Soul’s Path

Experience a transformative journey through three ​personalized sessions designed to help you remember ​and embody your true self, heal and release what no ​longer serves you, and take inspired action towards your ​highest vision.

+ option to add weekly accountability and support for the ​in-between

dive into the journey...

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Black Basic Arrow Right
Black Basic Arrow Right

Three Personalized Sessions, ​all tailored to you

Initiation Call & Human ​Design Reading

Dive deep into your Human ​Design to uncover your true ​self and identify the gaps ​towards your vision

Customized Breath ​& Sound Journey

Experience a healing journey ​to open your intuitive channel ​and connect with your highest ​self, followed by reflection ​and integration

Activation & Action ​Planning Call

Develop a clear, actionable ​plan to integrate your insights ​and move towards your goals ​with confidence and clarity

+ optional bonus support between sessions for added accountability & guidance

Session Details for the SoulSync Journey

Session 1: Initiation Call & Human Design Reading

This first session serves as the initiation call, where we embark on a deep dive into your Human Design chart. We’ll uncover your innate gifts, ​understand your unique energy dynamics, and identify the gaps between where you are now and your highest vision. This session sets the ​foundation for our work together, helping you remember and tap into your true self.

    • In-Depth Human Design Analysis: A comprehensive analysis of your Human Design chart to reveal your natural strengths, ​challenges, and potential.
    • Vision Gap Assessment: Identifying the discrepancies between your current state and your ideal vision to tailor the upcoming ​sessions to your specific needs.
    • Intuitive Guidance: We’ll begin with an intuitive reading to set the container and receive aligned messages that will guide us through ​the transformation portal.

Session 2: Customized Breath & Sound Journey

  • In this session, you'll embark on a personalized breath and sound journey designed to open your intuitive channel and connect you with your highest self. We'll focus on helping you channel transformative ideas, gain crystal-clear clarity, and ignite excitement for your unique genius. This experience will empower you to tap into your inner wisdom and creative potential. After the journey, we’ll reflect on the insights and breakthroughs, integrating them into your path forward.
    • Breath & Sound: A tailored session using breathwork and sound to enhance intuitive clarity and channel your inner genius.
    • Intuitive Connection: Open your intuitive channel to receive inspired ideas and guidance that align with your highest potential.
    • Post-Journey Reflection: Dedicated time to reflect on the experience, discuss newfound clarity, and integrate insights into your journey

Session 3: Activation & Action Planning Call

  • The final session focuses on activation and planning. We’ll synthesize all the insights and revelations from our previous sessions and ​create a clear action plan. This strategic call will provide you with the guidance and practices you need to integrate your Human Design, ​achieve your goals, and continue your path with clarity and purpose.:
    • Integration Strategy: Developing a plan to integrate the insights and healing experiences into your daily life.
    • Action Planning: Creating actionable steps and personalized practices to align your path with your highest vision.
    • Ongoing Support: Providing tools and resources to support your continued growth and transformation.
Plus Math

These sessions will take place over the course of 4 weeks (spaced about 10 days apart)

The SoulSync journey is for you if you desire to...

  • Gain clarity on your true identity and ​learn how to embody it.
  • Use your inner compass to guide you ​toward alignment and your next ​steps.
  • Heal conditioning and limiting beliefs ​related to purpose, self-expression, ​and forging your own path.
  • Strengthen your intuitive connection ​through Human Design.
  • Master your energy and expression, ​and build confidence to take action.
  • Receive extra support while you ​integrate, experiment, and take action

Let’s create some ​soul-led magic!

As your guide, I will create a container for heart-led ​growth, accountability, and total support when it ​comes to remembering who you are and taking ​ACTION from an empowered place.

Through my unique blending of breathwork, ​meditation, intuitive coaching, and Human Design, ​you will be divinely held and guided to your next ​chapter of Alignment.

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your name here

The SoulSync Journey

an intuitively guided, grounded, and expansive transformation to align you ​with your truest form, help you mastery your energy, and create a soul-​aligned plan to turn your goals into reality



(pay in full - save $100)

2x $482

(payment plan)

add between ​session messaging ​support for $100

add between ​session messaging ​support for $100

after submitting payment, you will receive a separate welcome email with a booking link to schedule your sessions!

your guide / mentor / hype woman

Generator 1/4

Cap Sun, Sag Moon, Sag Rising

Certified Breathwork & Meditation Facilitator

Certified Human Design Reader

He​y, you!!

My name is Bella and I’m an ever-curious, walking exclamation ​point heaven-bent on embodying wisdom, enjoying my life, ​and teaching others the profound spiritual lessons that have ​changed me forever. I’m a Generator 1/4 that loves to deepen ​my knowledge and share it with others.

I was once plagued by self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I ignored ​my intuition and allowed too many external voices to tell me ​what to do. Then came the shift. The moment everything ​changed and I realized it was time to fully trust my vision, my ​Self, AND my inner guidance system. It is through the ​relentless pursuit of my highest calling and listening to my ​inner Authority that I have become fulfilled, aligned, and ​full of LIFE. And now…

I write, speak, teach, and mentor to expand fellow Souls on the ​path to being who they truly are, tapping into their innate ​wisdom, and FORGING THEIR OWN DAMN PATH with full trust, ​confidence, and individuality.